
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Indoor rock climbing basics

Not every climber has the option to go ice-climbing. The indoor climbing gym is an alternative for many climbers during the cold season.

Here's a brief video showing some indoor rock climbing basics.

Noticed the controversy in this clip? Clip-in or tie-in that is the question. Basically it's always best to tie-in with an 8-knot and not to use a carabiner. However, in a climbing gym where you have only very short climbs and change routes often, using a carabiner as shown in the video might be ok. If you climb on a real rock face I'd recommend to tie-in just the way it reads on the harness. What's your opinion of this indoor climbing basics video? Let me know in the comments below.

Additional Resources:

   Learning to Climb Indoors

Rock Climbing Techniques, Tips & Tricks